Ok guys. I am such a flake! I never posted Brennan's 9 month post, and then I said I was going to have his 10 month post up almost a week ago, and I'm just now getting to it. Seriously though, I need to be better! Anyway, can you believe Brennan is 10 months???! He is almost a year old and it makes me so sad! I've been going back and forth for months trying to decide whether or not to cut his hair short, because it is just so stinking straight and fluffy that it sticks out in every direction no matter what I do! But I love it at the same time! So if I don't cut it soon, I'll for sure be giving him a 1 year old haircut since that is kind of a no-longer-a-baby milestone. I don't know, let me know what you guys think! Also the first photo was a test shot that I just ended up loving so that's why his hair isn't done in the first one. Thanks for reading guys!
^^^ Guys, those little teeth!
^^^ So glad I finally got a picture of his little scrunchy face!
Brennan is 10 Months old!
Weighs 24lbs and is 29in long!
Has 4 teeth; 2 on bottom and 2 poking out on top
Eats equal amounts formula and regular food (but is starting to take bottles less and less)
Is able to eat dairy without any "issues"- Ice cream is his favorite
Crawls normally now(YAY!) and is really fast
Loves standing holding on to people or things and walking around, but has started trying to stand and take steps on his own (unsuccessfully)
Still doesn't like water but will warm up to it for a few minutes of splashing before he hates it again
Saw his first fireworks... For the record he hates sparklers and the smaller fireworks, but likes the big ones
Hates touching grass, and if you put him down on it he freezes with his arms out and then tries to get off it as fast as he can
LOVES daddy! Like he is his favorite person ever and cries when he hears his voice on the phone
Is super cuddly and loves to crawl into my lap and climb up and put his arms around me
Says "baba" when he's babbling and "mama" when he's crying and tries to say "dada" but hasn't quite figured it out yet
Likes to watch snapchat videos of Arrow, Beckam, and Atticus(kids of bloggers I follow)
Thinks it's funny to crawl away when you chase after him
Really loves food. A lot. (obviously, I mean he's a big. kid.)
Is mostly the silent type so it's pretty rare to hear a peep from him but when he's really happy, he will growl and make clicking noises at you
Thinks Quinn is the funniest thing in the world and loves wrestling with him
Loves to give kisses and even make a "mwah" sound
Loves making fart noises on peoples arms and faces even more.
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